Random Ramblings about stuff I see going on in biotech, internet and the stuff I read.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Well that was fun....

The AAAS forums.

I guess I struck them the wrong way.


Unknown said...

Their reply was way over the top. I think you made a good observation and were yelled at because it struck a little too close to home. The logical response you should have received would be about talking to you to help improve the industry content, not telling you that you are a stupid head for pointing out the lack.

yes said...



oh well.

Anonymous said...

It's also interesting that he resorted to insulting you (saying that you probably don't work for a "real biotech company". Kind of a low blow.

yes said...

Have to admit I don't know what a "real" biotech company is. I work for a company that everyone knows, and previously worked at a different one that everyone knows. Are we "Biotech", no clue... We play with DNA, RNA, and proteins and ship products made by/containing them in regulated environments (FDA and others). Not really sure what else you are supposed to do to be a "biotech".

I also note that you aren't supposed to capitalize the "t", although that was a typo it apparently tells me a lot about myself. My therapist will need to be told.

Anonymous said...

Heh. Dave's a little touchy on this point, eh? Ah well. He's out there trying (unlike myself), which is admirable. Given the hurdles he probably has to overcome, I can understand why he'd be touchy about the topic.

That being said, I agree that that there is a prevailing academic bias on that board. Like 'yes', I also agree that it's way less that way than you'll find elsewhere, but it still exists. The reasons for this are numerous, and complicated, and...yawn...bah...

I guess I'm just content to leave the academics to their misery.

Anonymous said...

I don't think there is any question that the AAAS board is largely academic. There are some discussions about industry, but they are primarily from grad students/postdocs who are asking about breaking in. There are very few questions from someone in industry seeking advice from other people in industry.

It may be that this is simply a function of the age of most of the forum participants. My impression is that most of the people posting there are grad students and postdocs, with a few people who have recently transitioned to more permanent positions. Also, people who are established in industry probably have other, more efficient means of obtaining career advice, including places like linkedin, their own network of contacts, or other more industry-specific blogs and forums.

Anonymous said...

Don't let 'em get you down. I posted on the original thread about how I appreciated YOUR blog and encouraged others to seek it out. Then Dave Jensen removed my post and emailed me about how he doesn't want to keep relations going between the two sites.

I find that unprofessional as most posters don't care about 'blog politics', we just want reassurance to our future career decisions. I'm still a member of the AAAS forum and I will still read the threads, but I won't be posting there anymore, that's for sure.

yes said...

To the first Anomymous " I guess I'm just content to leave the academics to their misery. " .... Yeah but... I can't help it. Still have friends there (Hi Bill! and Liz and....). I am with you except I can't help myself.

To the other anonymous (maybe the same one, don't know) - Thanks for posting it there. I didn't try and that does seem a bit self serving. Looking at my traffic numbers, a lot of people seem to have found their way across.

Anonymous said...


Based on just reading his responses, and some of these comments, it seems to me that Dave is a pussy with a capital P. Probably the guy who got stuffed in the locker in high school with a wedgie.........

yes said...


good image....

Normally I intentionally piss people off not accidentally do it!